List of Hospital in Kamogunyaotsutyou, GIFU
We provide the list of Hospital that you will need when you live in or visit Kamogunyaotsutyou, GIFU. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses.
Search Results
The categories of information provided are as follows:
English Name
(Japanese Name, Romanization of Japanese)
- Address
- Medical Services
- Administrator
- Patient Reviews, Jobs and Career Opportunities
- Links to Search Results
Please note that the information provided is not always up to date.
Please note that 'English Name' is translated from Japanese Name by machine, and 'Romanization of Japanese' is also mechanically converted from Japanese Name.
12 results found for 'Hospital, GIFU and Kamogunyaotsutyou'.
Kasuya Clinic
(粕谷医院, Kasuya Iin)
Kasuya Clinic Kutami Branch Hospital
(粕谷医院久田見分院, Kasuya Iin Hisadakembunin)
- Hisadakenjiakasaka2504-2, Kamogunyaotsutyou, GIFU
- Internal Medicine, Department Of Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology, Surgery, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
- Individuals And Others
- Patient reviews about Kasuya Iin Hisadakembunin [ ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kasuya Iin Hisadakembunin [ ]
- [ Web ] [ Map ]
Keiwa Gardens Clinic
(敬和園診療所, Keiwaen Shinryouzyo)
Osamu Isa Clinic
(伊佐治医院, Isaji Iin)
Osamu Isa Hospital
(伊佐治病院, Isaji Byouin)
Sato Clinic
(佐藤クリニック, Satou Kurinikku)
Wachi Healthy Clinic
(和知すこやかクリニック, Wachi Sukoyaka Kurinikku)
Yaotsu Fukuchi Clinic
(八百津町福地診療所, Yaotsutyou Fukuchi Shinryouzyo)
Yaotsu Health Center
(八百津町保健センター, Yaotsutyou Hoken Senta)
Yaotsu Machiso Water Gardens Clinic
(八百津町蘇水園診療所, Yaotsutyou Somizuen Shinryouzyo)
Yaotsu Shiominami Clinic
(八百津町潮南診療所, Yaotsutyou Ushiominami Shinryouzyo)
Yumenemu Examination Room
(夢眠診察室, Yumeminshinsatsushitsu)
[ Top of page ]
About This Site
This site is an attempt to help non-Japanese speaker search for Hospital And Dental Clinic in Japan. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses. We hope it could be useful when you live in or visit Japan.
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1,715 results found for 'Hospital and GIFU'.
- Ampachigunampachityou (11)
- Ampachigungoudotyou (15)
- Ampachigunwanouchityou (6)
- Enashi (45)
- Fuwagunsekigaharatyou (6)
- Fuwaguntaruityou (17)
- Geroshi (35)
- Gifushi (436)
- Guzyoushi (32)
- Hashimagunginantyou (22)
- Hashimagunkasamatsutyou (22)
- Hashimashi (42)
- Hidashi (27)
- Ibigunibigawatyou (25)
- Ibigunikedatyou (10)
- Ibigunoonotyou (14)
- Kaizushi (27)
- Kakamigaharashi (110)
- Kamogunhichisoutyou (4)
- Kamogunhigashishirakawamura (2)
- Kamogunkawabetyou (7)
- Kamogunsakahogityou (6)
- Kamogunshirakawatyou (6)
- Kamoguntomikatyou (3)
- Kamogunyaotsutyou (12)
- Kanigummitaketyou (11)
- Kanishi (70)
- Minokamoshi (41)
- Minoshi (18)
- Mizuhoshi (32)
- Mizunamishi (38)
- Motosugunkitagatatyou (21)
- Motosushi (22)
- Nakatsugawashi (62)
- Oogakishi (139)
- Oonogunshirakawamura (3)
- Sekishi (70)
- Tajimishi (84)
- Takayamashi (87)
- Tokishi (37)
- Yamagatashi (23)
- Yourougunyouroutyou (15)
Search from List for Hospital around Kamogunyaotsutyou
Showing 10 of 1,715 results found for 'Hospital and GIFU'.
- Hiro Ladies Clinic [ Sekishi ]
- Izumi Internal Medicine [ Gifushi ]
- Hikarikeoka Clinic [ Tajimishi ]
- Tsuchiya Clinic [ Minokamoshi ]
- High Mure Otolaryngology [ Gifushi ]
- Nohi Family Clinic [ Kamogunkawabetyou ]
- Tarui-Cho Health Center [ Fuwaguntaruityou ]
- Meiji Association Ogasawara Internal Medicine [ Gifushi ]
- Suetake Eye Clinic [ Guzyoushi ]
- Miyagawa Clinic [ Gifushi ]