List of Hospital in Kasaishi, HYOGO

We provide the list of Hospital that you will need when you live in or visit Kasaishi, HYOGO. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses.

Search Results

The categories of information provided are as follows:

  • English Name

    (Japanese Name, Romanization of Japanese)

    • Address
    • Medical Services
    • Administrator
    • Patient Reviews, Jobs and Career Opportunities
    • Links to Search Results

Please note that the information provided is not always up to date.

Please note that 'English Name' is translated from Japanese Name by machine, and 'Romanization of Japanese' is also mechanically converted from Japanese Name.

32 results found for 'Hospital, HYOGO and Kasaishi'.

  • Adachi Ophthalmology

    (あだち眼科, Adachi Ganka)

    • Houzyoutyoukosaka7-23, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Ophthalmology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Adachi Ganka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Adachi Ganka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Araki Clinic

    (荒木医院, Araki Iin)

    • Houzyoutyoukosaka1-2, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Allergy Department
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Araki Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Araki Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Asaji Clinic

    (あさじ医院, Asaji Iin)

    • Wakaityou2841-4, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Surgery
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Asaji Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Asaji Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Azumi Clinic

    (安積医院, Azumi Iin)

    • Nishikenzakatyou9-1, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Azumi Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Azumi Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Cage Surgical Gastroenterology Clinic

    (おりた外科胃腸科医院, Orita Geka Ityouka Iin)

    • Houzyoutyoukosaka6-17, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Surgery, Orthopedics, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Anus Department
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Orita Geka Ityouka Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Orita Geka Ityouka Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Hiroshishigerukai Yoneda Hospital

    (弘秀会米田病院, Hiroshihidekaiyoneda Byouin)

    • Ozakityou10-1, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine
    • Medical Corporation
    • Patient reviews about Hiroshihidekaiyoneda Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Hiroshihidekaiyoneda Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Hojo Tanaka Hospital

    (北条田仲病院, Houzyoutanaka Byouin)

    • Houzyoutyouhouzyou391-3, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine (Dialysis), Orthopedics, Urology, Radiology Department
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Houzyoutanaka Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Houzyoutanaka Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Horii Internal Medicine Clinic

    (堀井内科医院, Horii Naika Iin)

    • Abikimachi518, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Horii Naika Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Horii Naika Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Izumi Urology

    (いずみ泌尿器科, Izumi Hinyoukika)

    • Houzyoutyoukosaka7-117, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Urology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Izumi Hinyoukika [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Izumi Hinyoukika [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kasai City Health And Welfare Center Clinic

    (加西市健康福祉会館診療所, Kasaishi Kenkou Fukushikaikan Shinryouzyo)

    • Houzyoutyoukosaka1072-14, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kasaishi Kenkou Fukushikaikan Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kasaishi Kenkou Fukushikaikan Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kasai Of The Village Comes Clinic

    (加西の里付属診療所, Kasainosato Fuzoku Shinryouzyo)

    • Dangetyoujiokuyama848-14, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Surgery
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kasainosato Fuzoku Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kasainosato Fuzoku Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kyotani Clinic

    (京谷医院, Kyouya Iin)

    • Houzyoutyouyokoo1091, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Psychiatry, Neurology, Cardiovascular Surgery
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kyouya Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kyouya Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Maeda Internal Medicine Neurology Clinic

    (まえだ内科神経内科クリニック, Maeda Naika Shinkei Naika Kurinikku)

    • Nogamityou274, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Neurology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Maeda Naika Shinkei Naika Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Maeda Naika Shinkei Naika Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Medical And Welfare Center Ties

    (医療福祉センターきずな, Iryoufukushi Senta Kizuna)

    • Wakaityoujiino83-31, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Neurology, Pediatrics, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Iryoufukushi Senta Kizuna [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Iryoufukushi Senta Kizuna [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Minori Clinic

    (みのりクリニック, Minori Kurinikku)

    • Shimomiyakityoujidamanotsubo547-1, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Surgery, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department Of Radiology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Minori Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Minori Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Municipal Kasai Hospital

    (市立加西病院, Shiritsu Kasai Byouin)

    • Houzyoutyouyokoo1-13, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics, Rehabilitation Department, Obstetrics And Gynecology, Dermatology, Urology, Ear, Nose And Throat Department, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine, Ophthalmology, Radiology Department, Anesthesiology, Psychiatry, Neurology
    • Public Medical Institutions
    • Patient reviews about Shiritsu Kasai Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Shiritsu Kasai Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Naruse Dermatology

    (なるせ皮膚科, Naruse Hifuka)

    • Houzyoutyoukosaka7-12, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Dermatology, Allergy, Plastic Surgery
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Naruse Hifuka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Naruse Hifuka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Nishimura Otolaryngology

    (西村耳鼻咽喉科, Nishimura Jibi Inkouka)

    • Houzyoutyouhouzyou28-1Asutjiakasai2F, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Ear, Nose And Throat Department
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Nishimura Jibi Inkouka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Nishimura Jibi Inkouka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Nishimura'S Office

    (西村医院, Nishimura Iin)

    • Nakanotyou48-1, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Nishimura Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Nishimura Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Onodera Clinic

    (小野寺医院, Onodera Iin)

    • Oujityou77-3, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Department Of Cardiology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Onodera Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Onodera Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Osugi Internal Medicine Clinic

    (大杉内科医院, Oosugi Naika Iin)

    • Bepputyouotsu11-2, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Respiratory Department, Department Of Cardiology, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Oosugi Naika Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Oosugi Naika Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Sakabe Orthopedic

    (坂部整形外科, Sakabe Seikei Geka)

    • Houzyoutyounishitakamuro533-1, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Arthritis Department, Surgery, Orthopedics, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Sakabe Seikei Geka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Sakabe Seikei Geka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Sakai Children'S Clinic

    (さかいこどもクリニック, Sakai Kodomo Kurinikku)

    • Houzyoutyouhouzyou28-1Asutjiakasai2F, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Pediatrics, Allergy
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Sakai Kodomo Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Sakai Kodomo Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Satake Clinic

    (佐竹医院, Satake Iin)

    • Houzyoutyouhouzyou16, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Satake Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Satake Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Satake Pediatrics

    (さたけ小児科, Satake Syounika)

    • Houzyoutyouyokoo857, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Pediatrics
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Satake Syounika [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Satake Syounika [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Second Salvia Zhuang

    (第二サルビア荘, Daini Sarubia Sou)

    • Kunimasatyoujiyotsutsujinoue1931-2, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Daini Sarubia Sou [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Daini Sarubia Sou [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... Clinic

    (春夏秋冬診療所, Syunkasyuutou Shinryouzyo)

    • Sakahommachi1027-5, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Syunkasyuutou Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Syunkasyuutou Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Still Ophthalmology

    (いまだ眼科, Imada Ganka)

    • Houzyoutyouhouzyou28-1Asutjiakasai2F, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Ophthalmology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Imada Ganka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Imada Ganka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Support Facilities For Persons With Disabilities Nursing Peer Kasai

    (障害者支援施設ナーシングピア加西, Syougaisya Shienshisetsu Nashingupia Kasai)

    • Kunimasatyou1402-1, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Syougaisya Shienshisetsu Nashingupia Kasai [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Syougaisya Shienshisetsu Nashingupia Kasai [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Tajiri Internal Medicine Cardiology

    (田尻内科循環器科, Tajiri Naika Zyunkankika)

    • Houzyoutyoukosaka671, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine, Department Of Cardiology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Tajiri Naika Zyunkankika [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Tajiri Naika Zyunkankika [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Tokuoka Internal Medicine

    (徳岡内科, Tokuoka Naika)

    • Houzyoutyouhouzyou864-1, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Tokuoka Naika [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Tokuoka Naika [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Yokota Internal Medicine Clinic

    (横田内科医院, Yokota Naika Iin)

    • Kitazyoutyoutounan116-1, Kasaishi, HYOGO
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Yokota Naika Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Yokota Naika Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]

About This Site

This site is an attempt to help non-Japanese speaker search for Hospital And Dental Clinic in Japan. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses. We hope it could be useful when you live in or visit Japan.

Search from List for Hospital around Kasaishi

Showing 10 of 5,329 results found for 'Hospital and HYOGO'.