List of Hospital in Onoshi, HYOGO
We provide the list of Hospital that you will need when you live in or visit Onoshi, HYOGO. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses.
Search Results
The categories of information provided are as follows:
English Name
(Japanese Name, Romanization of Japanese)
- Address
- Medical Services
- Administrator
- Patient Reviews, Jobs and Career Opportunities
- Links to Search Results
Please note that the information provided is not always up to date.
Please note that 'English Name' is translated from Japanese Name by machine, and 'Romanization of Japanese' is also mechanically converted from Japanese Name.
45 results found for 'Hospital, HYOGO and Onoshi'.
Ao 逢花 Garden Medical Office
(粟生逢花苑医務室, Aooukaen Imushitsu)
Aoyama Zhuang Medical Office
(青山荘医務室, Aoyamasou Imushitsu)
Doi Hospital
(土井病院, Doi Byouin)
Du Infirmary Of Nagomi
(なごみの杜医務室, Nagomino Mori Imushitsu)
Forest Pull Out
(ぬく森, Nuku Mori)
Fukui Clinic
(復井診療所, Matai Shinryouzyo)
Fukuoka Clinic
(福岡クリニック, Fukuoka Kurinikku)
Futaba Of The Village Medical Office
(ふたばの里医務室, Futabanosato Imushitsu)
Ground Self-Defense Force Aonohara Garrison Medical Office
(陸上自衛隊青野原駐屯地医務室, Rikuzyou Jieitai Aonoharatyuutonchi Imushitsu)
Hirai Pediatrics, Allergy Clinic
(平井小児科、アレルギー科医院, Hirai Syounika 、 Arerugiika Iin)
Hiraide Clinic
(平出医院, Hirade Iin)
Imamura Dermatology Clinic
(いまむら皮膚科クリニック, Imamura Hifuka Kurinikku)
Inoue Otolaryngology Clinic
(いのうえ耳鼻咽喉科クリニック, Inoue Jibi Inkouka Kurinikku)
Ioka Clinic
(井岡医院, Ioka Iin)
Kagotani Ophthalmology
(かごたに眼科, Kagotani Ganka)
Kaorukaedekai Midorishun Hospital
(薫楓会緑駿病院, Kaorukaedekaimidorisyun Byouin)
- Fukuityou1741, Onoshi, HYOGO
- Internal Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department Of Radiology, Neurology
- Medical Corporation
- Patient reviews about Kaorukaedekaimidorisyun Byouin [ ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kaorukaedekaimidorisyun Byouin [ ]
- [ Web ] [ Map ]
Kashiwagi Clinic
(柏木医院, Kashiwagi Iin)
Kitano Orthopedic, Surgery
(北野整形外科・外科, Kitano Seikei Geka ・ Geka)
Kobayashi Ophthalmology
(小林眼科, Kobayashi Ganka)
Kojima Clinic
(小島クリニック, Kojima Kurinikku)
Maeda Clinic
(まえだクリニック, Maeda Kurinikku)
Matsubara Ophthalmology Clinic
(松原眼科医院, Matsubara Ganka Iin)
Matsui Children'S Clinic
(まつい子どもクリニック, Matsui Kodomo Kurinikku)
Matsuo Internal Medicine
(松尾内科, Matsuo Naika)
Ministry Of Health, Labor And Welfare Second (Mutual Aid) Hyogo Aonohara Hospital Belonging Office Department
(厚生労働省第二(共済)兵庫青野原病院所属所診療部, Kouseiroudousyoudaini ( Kyousai ) Hyougoaonohara Byouin Syozokuzyoshinryoubu)
- Minamiaono, Onoshi, HYOGO
- Medical, Surgical, Dental
- Individuals And Others
- Patient reviews about Kouseiroudousyoudaini ( Kyousai ) Hyougoaonohara Byouin Syozokuzyoshinryoubu [ ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kouseiroudousyoudaini ( Kyousai ) Hyougoaonohara Byouin Syozokuzyoshinryoubu [ ]
- [ Web ] [ Map ]
Miura Clinic
(三浦クリニック, Miura Kurinikku)
National Hospital Organization Hyogo Aonohara Hospital
(国立病院機構兵庫青野原病院, Kokuritsu Byouin Kikouhyougoaonohara Byouin)
- Minamiaono, Onoshi, HYOGO
- Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Respiratory Department, Surgery, Orthopedics, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department Of Cardiology, Ear, Nose And Throat Department, Department Of Radiology, Neurology, Dentistry, Pediatric Surgery
- National
- Patient reviews about Kokuritsu Byouin Kikouhyougoaonohara Byouin [ ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kokuritsu Byouin Kikouhyougoaonohara Byouin [ ]
- [ Web ] [ Map ]
North Harima General Medical Center
(北播磨総合医療センター, Kitaharimasougouiryou Senta)
- Ichibamachi926-250, Onoshi, HYOGO
- Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Diabetes, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine, Blood Tumor Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Neurology, Diagnostic Radiology, Radiation Therapy Department, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Surgical, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Rehabilitation Department, Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose And Throat Head And Neck Surgery, Urology, Gynecology, Plastic Surgery, Anesthesiology, Department Of Pathology, Emergency Department, Dental And Oral Surgery , Palliative Care Physician Or Internal Medicine (Palliative Care), Arthritis Family, Pain Clinic Of Internal Medicine
- Individuals And Others
- Patient reviews about Kitaharimasougouiryou Senta [ ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kitaharimasougouiryou Senta [ ]
- [ Web ] [ Map ]
Okada Internal Medicine Clinic
(岡田内科医院, Okada Naika Iin)
Okada Orthopedic
(岡田整形外科, Okada Seikei Geka)
Okamura Clinic
(岡村医院, Okamura Iin)
Olive Skin Off Family
(オリーブ皮フ科, Oriibu Kawafuka)
Ono City Health Center
(小野市立保健センター, Onoshiritsu Hoken Senta)
Ono Ladies Clinic
(小野レディースクリニック, Ono Redjiisu Kurinikku)
Private Education Is The Hill Clinic
(私立育が丘クリニック, Shiritsu Ikugaoka Kurinikku)
- Kashiyamatyouazamizutanihyoushitani1475-689, Onoshi, HYOGO
- Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Radiology Department
- Individuals And Others
- Patient reviews about Shiritsu Ikugaoka Kurinikku [ ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Shiritsu Ikugaoka Kurinikku [ ]
- [ Web ] [ Map ]
Shimizu Internal Medicine Clinic
(清水内科クリニック, Shimizu Naika Kurinikku)
Shinohara Clinic
(篠原医院, Shinohara Iin)
Sunflower Clinic
(ひまわりクリニック, Himawari Kurinikku)
Tanaka Internal Medicine Clinic
(田中内科医院, Tanaka Naika Iin)
Tanaka Kawafu Clinic
(田中皮フ科医院, Tanaka Kawafuka Iin)
Tsubota Pediatric Clinic
(つぼた小児科医院, Tsubota Syounika Iin)
Wakaba - Obstetrics And Gynecology
(わかば・産婦人科, Wakaba ・ Sanfujinka)
Yamaguchi Internal Medicine Clinic
(山口内科医院, Yamaguchi Naika Iin)
Yorifuji Clinic
(依藤診療所, Yorifuji Shinryouzyo)
Yoshihirokai Ono Hospital
(栄宏会小野病院, Sakaehiroshikaiono Byouin)
- Tenjimmachi973, Onoshi, HYOGO
- Internal Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Diabetes Medicine, Gastroenterology, Surgery, Neurosurgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Orthopedics, Dermatology, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Pediatrics
- Medical Corporation
- Patient reviews about Sakaehiroshikaiono Byouin [ ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Sakaehiroshikaiono Byouin [ ]
- [ Web ] [ Map ]
[ Top of page ]
About This Site
This site is an attempt to help non-Japanese speaker search for Hospital And Dental Clinic in Japan. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses. We hope it could be useful when you live in or visit Japan.
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5,329 results found for 'Hospital and HYOGO'.
- Aioishi (27)
- Akahogunkamigoorityou (13)
- Akashishi (266)
- Akoushi (49)
- Amagasakishi (517)
- Asagoshi (31)
- Ashiyashi (136)
- Awajishi (45)
- Himejishi (441)
- Iboguntaishityou (20)
- Ishishi (3)
- Itamishi (181)
- Kakogawashi (189)
- Kakogunharimatyou (23)
- Kakoguninamityou (22)
- Kanzakigunfukusakityou (21)
- Kanzakigunichikawatyou (7)
- Kanzakigunkamikawatyou (10)
- Kasaishi (32)
- Katoushi (37)
- Kawanabeguninagawatyou (20)
- Kawanishishi (120)
- Koubeshihigashinadaku (238)
- Koubeshihyougoku (130)
- Koubeshikitaku (173)
- Koubeshinadaku (178)
- Koubeshinagataku (117)
- Koubeshinishiku (198)
- Koubeshisumaku (152)
- Koubeshitarumiku (171)
- Koubeshityuuouku (316)
- Mikatagunkamityou (14)
- Mikatagunshinonsentyou (16)
- Mikishi (65)
- Minamiawajishi (47)
- Nishinomiyashi (527)
- Nishiwakishi (38)
- Onoshi (45)
- Sandashi (91)
- Sasayamashi (39)
- Sayougunsayoutyou (18)
- Shisoushi (35)
- Sumotoshi (60)
- Takaguntakatyou (16)
- Takarazukashi (161)
- Takasagoshi (70)
- Tambashi (54)
- Tatsunoshi (55)
- Toyookashi (73)
- Yabushi (22)
Search from List for Hospital around Onoshi
Showing 10 of 5,329 results found for 'Hospital and HYOGO'.
- Matsunami Clinic [ Nishinomiyashi ]
- Yamada Clinic [ Itamishi ]
- Tsuda Internal Medicine Clinic [ Nishinomiyashi ]
- Moat Clinic [ Akoushi ]
- Mori Otolaryngology - Ashiya Clinic [ Ashiyashi ]
- Nishinomiya Municipal Central Hospital [ Nishinomiyashi ]
- Omori Mental Clinic [ Kawanishishi ]
- Inahara Pediatric Clinic [ Koubeshikitaku ]
- Aoki Clinic [ Itamishi ]
- Yamamura Kawafuka [ Ashiyashi ]