List of Hospital in Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA

We provide the list of Hospital that you will need when you live in or visit Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses.

Search Results

The categories of information provided are as follows:

  • English Name

    (Japanese Name, Romanization of Japanese)

    • Address
    • Medical Services
    • Administrator
    • Patient Reviews, Jobs and Career Opportunities
    • Links to Search Results

Please note that the information provided is not always up to date.

Please note that 'English Name' is translated from Japanese Name by machine, and 'Romanization of Japanese' is also mechanically converted from Japanese Name.

52 results found for 'Hospital, KAGOSHIMA and Amamishi'.

  • Amami Casali National Health Insurance Clinic

    (奄美市笠利国民健康保険診療所, Amamishi Kasarikokumin Kenkou Hoken Shinryouzyo)

    • Kasarityounakakanehisa45, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Dental, Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Amamishi Kasarikokumin Kenkou Hoken Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Amamishi Kasarikokumin Kenkou Hoken Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Amami Central Hospital

    (奄美中央病院, Amami Tyuuou Byouin)

    • Nazenagahamatyou16-5, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Department Of Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Pediatrics, Surgery, Anus Department, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department Of Radiology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Amami Tyuuou Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Amami Tyuuou Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Amami Hospital

    (奄美病院, Amami Byouin)

    • Nazehamasatotyou170, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Psychiatry, Neurology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Amami Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Amami Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Amami Keiminami Gardens Clinic

    (奄美佳南園診療所, Amamikanaen Shinryouzyo)

    • Nazehiratatyou7-15, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Amamikanaen Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Amamikanaen Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Amami Ophthalmology

    (奄美眼科, Amami Ganka)

    • Nazenagahamatyou8-3, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Ophthalmology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Amami Ganka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Amami Ganka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Amami Skin Graduate School Of Plastic Surgery

    (あまみ皮ふ科・形成外科, Amami Hifuka ・ Keisei Geka)

    • Nazesuehirotyou18-13-4F, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Dermatology, Plastic Surgery
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Amami Hifuka ・ Keisei Geka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Amami Hifuka ・ Keisei Geka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Amami Sumiyo National Health Insurance Clinic

    (奄美市住用国民健康保険診療所, Amamishi Zyuuyoukokumin Kenkou Hoken Shinryouzyo)

    • Sumiyoutyouooazanishityuugen111, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Anus Department, Department Of Radiology, Dental
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Amamishi Zyuuyoukokumin Kenkou Hoken Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Amamishi Zyuuyoukokumin Kenkou Hoken Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Amami Wakoen Sanatorium

    (国立療養所奄美和光園, Kokuritsu Ryouyouzyoamamiwakouen)

    • Nazewakoutyou1700, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose And Throat Department, Dental
    • National
    • Patient reviews about Kokuritsu Ryouyouzyoamamiwakouen [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kokuritsu Ryouyouzyoamamiwakouen [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Casali Hospital

    (笠利病院, Kasari Byouin)

    • Kasarityouooazanakakanehisa120, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Dialysis Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, Orthopedics, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose And Throat Department, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Dentistry, Dental And Oral Surgery
    • Medical Corporation
    • Patient reviews about Kasari Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kasari Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Chen Pediatric Clinic

    (陳小児科医院, Chin Syounika Iin)

    • Nazehatohamamachi109, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Pediatrics
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Chin Syounika Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Chin Syounika Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Cough Clinic

    (せきクリニック, Seki Kurinikku)

    • Nazesuehirotyou1-9Sorarebiru203, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Dermatology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Seki Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Seki Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Family Clinic Ne Rear

    (ファミリークリニックネリヤ, Hwamirii Kurinikku Neriya)

    • Nazewakoutyou31-14, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Cranial Nerve Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Hwamirii Kurinikku Neriya [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Hwamirii Kurinikku Neriya [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Garden Of Sumiyo

    (住用の園, Zyuuyounoen)

    • Sumiyoutyouooazasurisyoujitoshikatsubukuro451-3, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Zyuuyounoen [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Zyuuyounoen [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Good-Kimuko Clinic

    (いい・かねゆきクリニック, Ii ・ Kaneyuki Kurinikku)

    • Nazenagahamatyou4-11, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Department Of Respiratory Medicine, Department Of Gastroenterology, Department Of Allergy
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Ii ・ Kaneyuki Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Ii ・ Kaneyuki Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Government Pediatric Internal Medicine Clinic

    (政小児科内科医院, Sei Syounika Naika Iin)

    • Nazeyanagimachi4-43, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Sei Syounika Naika Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Sei Syounika Naika Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Hamazono Clinic Of Support Facilities For Persons With Disabilities Love

    (障害者支援施設愛の浜園診療所, Syougaisya Shienshisetsuainohamaen Shinryouzyo)

    • Nazeooazachinase2504, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Syougaisya Shienshisetsuainohamaen Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Syougaisya Shienshisetsuainohamaen Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Hirase Clinic

    (平瀬医院, Hirase Iin)

    • Nazehatohamamachi201, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Surgery, Anus Department
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Hirase Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Hirase Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Iwaki Ophthalmology

    (岩城眼科, Iwaki Ganka)

    • Nazesuehirotyou1-6-2F, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Ophthalmology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Iwaki Ganka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Iwaki Ganka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kagawa Clinic

    (嘉川医院, Kagawa Iin)

    • Nazenagahamatyou8-7, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Orthopedics, Ear, Nose And Throat Department, Department Of Allergy, Arthritis Department, Anesthesiology, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kagawa Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kagawa Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kazama Internal Medicine Gastroenterologist

    (風間内科胃腸科, Kazama Naika Ityouka)

    • Nazeariyamachi15-3, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kazama Naika Ityouka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kazama Naika Ityouka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kazuya Internal Medicine

    (かずや内科, Kazuya Naika)

    • Nazehiramatsumachi532, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Pediatrics, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kazuya Naika [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kazuya Naika [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kiire Internal Medicine

    (喜入内科, Kiire Naika)

    • Nazesaiwaityou21-3, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kiire Naika [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kiire Naika [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Koriyama Ophthalmology Clinic

    (郡山眼科医院, Kooriyama Ganka Iin)

    • Nazesaiwaityou17-3, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Ophthalmology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kooriyama Ganka Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kooriyama Ganka Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Masaya Ophthalmology

    (まさや眼科, Masaya Ganka)

    • Nazeasahityou14-10, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Ophthalmology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Masaya Ganka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Masaya Ganka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Masuda Urology Clinic

    (益田泌尿器科医院, Masuda Hinyoukika Iin)

    • Nazehatohamamachi8, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Urology, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Pediatrics
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Masuda Hinyoukika Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Masuda Hinyoukika Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Megumino Gardens Medical Office

    (めぐみの園医務室, Meguminoen Imushitsu)

    • Nazenishinakamasaruazanakamasarumaehara965, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Respiratory Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Meguminoen Imushitsu [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Meguminoen Imushitsu [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Memorial Clinic Amami

    (記念クリニック奄美, Kinen Kurinikku Amami)

    • Kasarityousetsudajioominato1450-1, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Surgery, Orthopedic
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kinen Kurinikku Amami [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kinen Kurinikku Amami [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Mental Clinic Materia

    (メンタルクリニックMateria, Mentaru Kurinikku Materia)

    • Nazesuehirotyou18-251F, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Psychosomatic Medicine, Psychiatry
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Mentaru Kurinikku Materia [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Mentaru Kurinikku Materia [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Minesan Internal Medicine

    (嶺山内科, Mineyama Naika)

    • Nazeirifunemachi9-15, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Mineyama Naika [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Mineyama Naika [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Mizuma Internal Medicine Clinic

    (水間内科医院, Mizuma Naika Iin)

    • Nazehatohamamachi307-2, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery, Breast Surgery
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Mizuma Naika Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Mizuma Naika Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Morning Swamp Clinic

    (朝沼クリニック, Asanuma Kurinikku)

    • Nazeishibashimachi7-1, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Thoracic Surgery, Gastroenterology, Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Anus Department, Anesthesiology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Asanuma Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Asanuma Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Mukai Clinic

    (むかいクリニック, Mukai Kurinikku)

    • Nazeobamatyou24-10, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine, Department Of Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Allergy And Clinical Immunology, Pediatrics, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Anesthesiology, Ophthalmology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Mukai Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Mukai Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Naze Health Center

    (名瀬保健所, Naze Hokenzyo)

    • Nazenagatatyou17-3, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Naze Hokenzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Naze Hokenzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Naze Tokushukai Hospital

    (名瀬徳洲会病院, Nazetokusyuukai Byouin)

    • Nazeasahityou28-1, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Gastroenterologist, Cardiology, Pediatrics, Dental And Oral Surgery, Anesthesiology, Obstetrics And Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose And Throat Department, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department Of Radiology, Dentistry, Surgery, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Dermatology, Urology
    • Medical Corporation
    • Patient reviews about Nazetokusyuukai Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Nazetokusyuukai Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Nursing Home For The Elderly Nagisa Garden

    (養護老人ホームなぎさ園, Yougo Roujin Homu Nagisa En)

    • Nazechinasejiimotaguchi2369-13, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Yougo Roujin Homu Nagisa En [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Yougo Roujin Homu Nagisa En [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Ohno Otolaryngology

    (大野耳鼻咽喉科, Oono Jibi Inkouka)

    • Nazekusatotyou16-3, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Ear, Nose And Throat Department
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Oono Jibi Inkouka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Oono Jibi Inkouka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Oshima County Medical Association Hospital

    (大島郡医師会病院, Ooshimagun Ishikai Byouin)

    • Nazesyouyadoazanawashirota3411, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Neurology, Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department Of Radiology, Department Of Allergy, Arthritis Department, Orthopedics, Dermatology, Ear, Nose And Throat Department, Trachea Esophagus Department
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Ooshimagun Ishikai Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Ooshimagun Ishikai Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Petting Clinic

    (ふれあいクリニック, Fureai Kurinikku)

    • Nazekoumachi13-1, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Fureai Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Fureai Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Prefectural Oshima Hospital

    (県立大島病院, Kenritsu Ooshima Byouin)

    • Nazemanazutyou18-1, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Gastroenterologist, Cardiology, Obstetrics And Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose And Throat Department, Department Of Radiology, Dental And Oral Surgery, Anesthesiology, Pediatrics, Surgery, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Dermatology ,Urology
    • Public Medical Institutions
    • Patient reviews about Kenritsu Ooshima Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kenritsu Ooshima Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Rice Clinic

    (稲医院, Ine Iin)

    • Nazekanekutyou5-4, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Neurology, Arthritis Department, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Ine Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Ine Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Ryuhisashien

    (笠寿園, Kasahisashien)

    • Kasarityousetsuda1590, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Surgery
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kasahisashien [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kasahisashien [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Sasahara Mental Clinic

    (ささはらメンタルクリニック, Sasahara Mentaru Kurinikku)

    • Nazeitsubutyou16-7, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Psychosomatic Medicine, Psychiatry, Neurology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Sasahara Mentaru Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Sasahara Mentaru Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Sato Medical Office Of Ashiho

    (芦穂の里医務室, Ashihonosato Imushitsu)

    • Nazerokabu1470, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Surgery, Anus Department
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Ashihonosato Imushitsu [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Ashihonosato Imushitsu [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Shigenobu Clinic

    (重信医院, Shigenobu Iin)

    • Nazesadaikumatyou14-15, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Shigenobu Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Shigenobu Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • South Clinic

    (南医院, Minami Iin)

    • Nazekoumachi4-6, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Minami Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Minami Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Tsubata Clinic

    (つばたクリニック, Tsubata Kurinikku)

    • Nazekusatotyou9-2, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Arthritis Department, Orthopedic Surgery, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Tsubata Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Tsubata Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Ueda Clinic

    (うえだクリニック, Ueda Kurinikku)

    • Nazemanazutyou13-20, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine, Obstetrics, Gynecology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Ueda Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Ueda Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Wako Orthopedic

    (和光整形外科, Wakou Seikei Geka)

    • Nazewakoutyou18-19, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Arthritis Department, Orthopedic Surgery, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Wakou Seikei Geka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Wakou Seikei Geka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Yamiya Clinic

    (屋宮医院, Yamiya Iin)

    • Nazekusatotyou18-8, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Pediatrics, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Yamiya Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Yamiya Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Yasue Clinic

    (泰江医院, Yasue Iin)

    • Meisekotamachi12-37, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Surgery
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Yasue Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Yasue Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Yoshikawa Clinic

    (よしかわクリニック, Yoshikawa Kurinikku)

    • Nazewakoutyou1-2, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Yoshikawa Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Yoshikawa Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Yuge Clinic

    (弓削クリニック, Yuge Kurinikku)

    • Nazenagahamatyou31-21, Amamishi, KAGOSHIMA
    • Internal Medicine, Obstetrics And Gynecology, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Yuge Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Yuge Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]

About This Site

This site is an attempt to help non-Japanese speaker search for Hospital And Dental Clinic in Japan. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses. We hope it could be useful when you live in or visit Japan.

Search from List for Hospital around Amamishi

Showing 10 of 1,701 results found for 'Hospital and KAGOSHIMA'.