List of Hospital in Ashigarakamigunkaiseimachi, KANAGAWA
We provide the list of Hospital that you will need when you live in or visit Ashigarakamigunkaiseimachi, KANAGAWA. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses.
Search Results
The categories of information provided are as follows:
English Name
(Japanese Name, Romanization of Japanese)
- Address
- Medical Services
- Administrator
- Patient Reviews, Jobs and Career Opportunities
- Links to Search Results
Please note that the information provided is not always up to date.
Please note that 'English Name' is translated from Japanese Name by machine, and 'Romanization of Japanese' is also mechanically converted from Japanese Name.
16 results found for 'Hospital, KANAGAWA and Ashigarakamigunkaiseimachi'.
Ashigarakami District Holiday Emergency Clinic
(足柄上地区休日急患診療所, Ashigarakamichiku Kyuujitsu Kyuukan Shinryouzyo)
Endo Otolaryngology Clinic
(遠藤耳鼻咽喉科医院, Endou Jibi Inkouka Iin)
Frontier Core Technology Laboratories Health Promotion Office
(先端コア技術研究所健康推進室, Sentan Koa Gizyutsu Kenkyuuzyo Kenkou Suishinshitsu)
Fujifilm R & D Management Headquarters Medical Systems Development Center Health Promotion Office
(富士フイルムR&D統括本部メディカルシステム開発センター健康推進室, Fuji Fuirumu R&D Toukatsuhombu Medjikaru Shisutemu Kaihatsu Senta Kenkou Suishinshitsu)
- Miyadai798, Ashigarakamigunkaiseimachi, KANAGAWA
- Internal Medicine
- Individuals And Others
- Patient reviews about Fuji Fuirumu R&D Toukatsuhombu Medjikaru Shisutemu Kaihatsu Senta Kenkou Suishinshitsu [ ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Fuji Fuirumu R&D Toukatsuhombu Medjikaru Shisutemu Kaihatsu Senta Kenkou Suishinshitsu [ ]
- [ Web ] [ Map ]
Hifukai Hill Hospital
(陽風会高台病院, Youfuukaitakadai Byouin)
Kamometomokai Glaucous Gull Clinic
(鴎友会白鴎医院, Ouyuukaihakuou Iin)
Long-Term Care Welfare Facilities For The Elderly Maison Opened Clinics
(介護老人福祉施設メゾン・開成診療所, Kaigo Roujin Fukushishisetsu Mezon ・ Kaisei Shinryouzyo)
Matsumoto Clinic
(松元医院, Matsumoto Iin)
Okabe Clinic
(岡部医院, Okabe Iin)
Okuma Orthopedic
(大熊整形外科, Ookuma Seikei Geka)
Ophthalmology Sakura Clinic
(眼科さくらクリニック, Ganka Sakura Kurinikku)
Sankei Eye Clinic
(サンケイ・アイ・クリニック, Sankei ・ Ai ・ Kurinikku)
Sun Clinic
(おひさまクリニック, Ohisama Kurinikku)
Takeo Ophthalmology Clinic
(武尾眼科医院, Takeshio Ganka Iin)
Tree (Tatsuki) Clinic
(樹(たつき)医院, Ki ( Tatsuki ) Iin)
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About This Site
This site is an attempt to help non-Japanese speaker search for Hospital And Dental Clinic in Japan. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses. We hope it could be useful when you live in or visit Japan.
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6,873 results found for 'Hospital and KANAGAWA'.
- Aikougunaikawamachi (21)
- Aikougunkiyokawamura (3)
- Ashigarakamigummatsudamachi (12)
- Ashigarakamigunkaiseimachi (16)
- Ashigarakamigunnakaimachi (10)
- Ashigarakamigunooityou (11)
- Ashigarakamigunyamakitamachi (6)
- Ashigarashimogummanatsurumachi (2)
- Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi (11)
- Ashigarashimogunyugawaramachi (24)
- Atsugishi (159)
- Ayaseshi (32)
- Chigasakishi (161)
- Ebinashi (90)
- Fujisawashi (346)
- Hadanoshi (91)
- Hiratsukashi (198)
- Iseharashi (51)
- Kamakurashi (182)
- Kawasakishiasaoku (128)
- Kawasakishikawasakiku (163)
- Kawasakishimiyamaeku (122)
- Kawasakishinakaharaku (185)
- Kawasakishisaiwaiku (121)
- Kawasakishitakatsuku (137)
- Kawasakishitamaku (137)
- Kouzagunsamukawamachi (26)
- Minamiashigarashi (28)
- Miuragunhayamamachi (18)
- Miurashi (29)
- Nakagunninomiyamachi (21)
- Nakagunooisomachi (20)
- Odawarashi (164)
- Sagamiharashimidoriku (110)
- Sagamiharashiminamiku (188)
- Sagamiharashityuuouku (147)
- Yamatoshi (191)
- Yokohamashiaobaku (289)
- Yokohamashiasahiku (178)
- Yokohamashihodogayaku (130)
- Yokohamashiisogoku (126)
- Yokohamashiizumiku (110)
- Yokohamashikanagawaku (203)
- Yokohamashikanazawaku (170)
- Yokohamashikouhokuku (293)
- Yokohamashikounanku (177)
- Yokohamashimidoriku (128)
- Yokohamashiminamiku (142)
- Yokohamashinakaku (219)
- Yokohamashinishiku (165)
- Yokohamashisakaeku (72)
- Yokohamashiseyaku (85)
- Yokohamashitotsukaku (193)
- Yokohamashitsurumiku (185)
- Yokohamashitsuzukiku (189)
- Yokosukashi (323)
- Zamashi (67)
- Zushishi (68)
Search from List for Hospital around Ashigarakamigunkaiseimachi
Showing 10 of 6,873 results found for 'Hospital and KANAGAWA'.
- Shenzhen Clinic [ Yokohamashiizumiku ]
- Takahashi Eye Clinic [ Odawarashi ]
- Ogawa Clinic [ Yokohamashitotsukaku ]
- S. G. Sea Sakurai Gastroenterology Clinic [ Fujisawashi ]
- Kanagawa Prefecture Red Cross Blood Center Mizonokuchi Branch Office [ Kawasakishitakatsuku ]
- Maeda Internal Medicine Clinic [ Yokohamashiisogoku ]
- Cheap Pediatrics, Department Of Cardiology, [ Fujisawashi ]
- Suzuki Clinic [ Yokohamashihodogayaku ]
- Hattori Family Clinic [ Kawasakishitakatsuku ]
- Rural Light Clinic [ Yokohamashimidoriku ]