List of Hospital in Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI

We provide the list of Hospital that you will need when you live in or visit Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses.

Search Results

The categories of information provided are as follows:

  • English Name

    (Japanese Name, Romanization of Japanese)

    • Address
    • Medical Services
    • Administrator
    • Patient Reviews, Jobs and Career Opportunities
    • Links to Search Results

Please note that the information provided is not always up to date.

Please note that 'English Name' is translated from Japanese Name by machine, and 'Romanization of Japanese' is also mechanically converted from Japanese Name.

22 results found for 'Hospital, NAGASAKI and Matsuurashi'.

  • Aiko Gardens

    (愛光園, Aikouen)

    • Shisatyouuramen270, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Aikouen [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Aikouen [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Aoyama Zhuang Medical Office

    (青山荘医務室, Aoyamasou Imushitsu)

    • Mikuriyatyousatomen395-1, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Surgery, Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Aoyamasou Imushitsu [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Aoyamasou Imushitsu [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Eto Clinic

    (江藤医院, Etou Iin)

    • Shisatyouuramen1475-3, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Surgical, Orthopedic Surgery, Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Etou Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Etou Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Hirata Orthopedic

    (平田整形外科, Hirata Seikei Geka)

    • Shisatyouuramen1740-1, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Surgical, Orthopedic
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Hirata Seikei Geka [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Hirata Seikei Geka [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Iroha Island Zhuang Medical Office

    (いろは島荘医務室, Iroha Shimasou Imushitsu)

    • Fukushimatyoushiohamamen3002, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Iroha Shimasou Imushitsu [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Iroha Shimasou Imushitsu [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kaiko Gardens Medical Office

    (海光園医務室, Kaikouen Imushitsu)

    • Hoshikatyoukitakubomen682, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kaikouen Imushitsu [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kaikouen Imushitsu [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kenroku Gardens Medical Office

    (建禄園医務室, Tatsururokuen Imushitsu)

    • Fukushimatyouhatamen78, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Tatsururokuen Imushitsu [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Tatsururokuen Imushitsu [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kikuchi Hospital

    (菊地病院, Kikuchi Byouin)

    • Shisatyouuramen1765-4, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Surgery, Ophthalmology, Respiratory Department, Orthopedic Surgery, Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Radiology Department
    • Medical Corporation
    • Patient reviews about Kikuchi Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kikuchi Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kimura Internal Medicine Cardiology

    (木村内科循環器科, Kimura Naika Zyunkankika)

    • Tsukinokawatyoushimomen91, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kimura Naika Zyunkankika [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kimura Naika Zyunkankika [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Mamiya Clinic

    (間宮医院, Mamiya Iin)

    • Mikuriyatyousatomen565, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Department Of Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Mamiya Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Mamiya Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Masanorikai Tanaka Hospital

    (昌徳会田中病院, Akiratokukaitanaka Byouin)

    • Mikuriyatyousatomen871, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Surgical, Orthopedic Surgery, Internal Medicine, Neurosurgery, Rehabilitation, Dermatology, Department Of Cardiology
    • Medical Corporation
    • Patient reviews about Akiratokukaitanaka Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Akiratokukaitanaka Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Matsuura City Center Clinic

    (松浦市立中央診療所, Matsuurashiritsu Tyuuou Shinryouzyo)

    • Shisatyousyounomen274-1, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Dialysis Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Matsuurashiritsu Tyuuou Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Matsuurashiritsu Tyuuou Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Matsuura City Qingdao Clinic

    (松浦市立青島診療所, Matsuurashiritsu Aoshima Shinryouzyo)

    • Hoshikatyouaoshimamen651, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Surgery, Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Matsuurashiritsu Aoshima Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Matsuurashiritsu Aoshima Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • National Health Insurance Direct Management Matsuura City Fukushima Clinic

    (国民健康保険直営松浦市立福島診療所, Kokumin Kenkou Hoken Tyokuei Matsuurashiritsu Fukushima Shinryouzyo)

    • Fukushimatyoushiohamamen2944-21, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Surgical, Cardiovascular Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kokumin Kenkou Hoken Tyokuei Matsuurashiritsu Fukushima Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kokumin Kenkou Hoken Tyokuei Matsuurashiritsu Fukushima Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • National Health Insurance Direct Management Matsuura City Fukushima Clinic Harabun Institute

    (国民健康保険直営松浦市立福島診療所原分院, Kokumin Kenkou Hoken Tyokuei Matsuurashiritsu Fukushima Shinryouzyo Harabunin)

    • Fukushimatyouharamen1106, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kokumin Kenkou Hoken Tyokuei Matsuurashiritsu Fukushima Shinryouzyo Harabunin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kokumin Kenkou Hoken Tyokuei Matsuurashiritsu Fukushima Shinryouzyo Harabunin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • National Health Insurance Direct Management Matsuura City Takashima Clinic

    (国民健康保険直営松浦市立鷹島診療所, Kokumin Kenkou Hoken Tyokuei Matsuurashiritsu Takashima Shinryouzyo)

    • Takashimatyoukanzakimen352-1, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Surgery, Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Kokumin Kenkou Hoken Tyokuei Matsuurashiritsu Takashima Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Kokumin Kenkou Hoken Tyokuei Matsuurashiritsu Takashima Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Notsuka Clinic

    (能塚医院, Noutsuka Iin)

    • Shisatyoutakanomen120-1, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Surgical, Respiratory Department, Internal Medicine, Dermatology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Noutsuka Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Noutsuka Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Sakaguchi Children'S Clinic

    (坂口こどもクリニック, Sakaguchi Kodomo Kurinikku)

    • Shisatyouuramen1738-2, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Pediatrics, Pediatric Surgery
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Sakaguchi Kodomo Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Sakaguchi Kodomo Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Takebe Hospital

    (武部病院, Takebe Byouin)

    • Imafukutyoukitamen2091-1, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Surgical, Orthopedic Surgery, Internal Medicine, Neurosurgery, Ear, Nose And Throat Department, Department Of Allergy
    • Medical Corporation
    • Patient reviews about Takebe Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Takebe Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • White Wall Surgical Clinic

    (白壁外科医院, Shirakabe Geka Iin)

    • Imafukutyouuramen423, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Surgery, Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Shirakabe Geka Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Shirakabe Geka Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Zhongshan Ladies Clinic

    (中山レディースクリニック, Nakayama Redjiisu Kurinikku)

    • Shisatyousatomen297, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Obstetrics And Gynecology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Nakayama Redjiisu Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Nakayama Redjiisu Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • 押淵 Clinic

    (押淵医院, Oshifuchi Iin)

    • Mikuriyatyousatomen37-1, Matsuurashi, NAGASAKI
    • Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Neurology, Orthopedics, Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology, Pain Relief Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Oshifuchi Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Oshifuchi Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]

About This Site

This site is an attempt to help non-Japanese speaker search for Hospital And Dental Clinic in Japan. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses. We hope it could be useful when you live in or visit Japan.

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Showing 10 of 1,550 results found for 'Hospital and NAGASAKI'.