List of Hospital in Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA

We provide the list of Hospital that you will need when you live in or visit Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses.

Search Results

The categories of information provided are as follows:

  • English Name

    (Japanese Name, Romanization of Japanese)

    • Address
    • Medical Services
    • Administrator
    • Patient Reviews, Jobs and Career Opportunities
    • Links to Search Results

Please note that the information provided is not always up to date.

Please note that 'English Name' is translated from Japanese Name by machine, and 'Romanization of Japanese' is also mechanically converted from Japanese Name.

15 results found for 'Hospital, OSAKA and Sembokuguntadaokatyou'.

  • Ai Ophthalmology Clinic

    (あい眼科クリニック, Ai Ganka Kurinikku)

    • Mase3-4-1, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Ophthalmology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Ai Ganka Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Ai Ganka Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Airokai Okuda Clinic

    (愛朗会おくだ医院, Airoukai Okuda Iin)

    • Tadaokahigashi1-21-27Purimurozusakurai1Kai, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Internal Medicine, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Anesthesiology, Cardiology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Airoukai Okuda Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Airoukai Okuda Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Ando Clinic

    (安藤医院, Andou Iin)

    • Tadaokahigashi1-39-29, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Otolaryngology, Trachea Esophagus Department
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Andou Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Andou Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Ando Surgery, Orthopedic Clinic

    (安藤外科・整形外科医院, Andou Geka ・ Seikei Geka Iin)

    • Tadaokahigashi1-39-29, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Surgical, Dermatology, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department Of Radiology, Gastrointestinal Internal Medicine, Orthopedic, Anus Surgery
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Andou Geka ・ Seikei Geka Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Andou Geka ・ Seikei Geka Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Goat Clinic

    (やぎ医院, Yagi Iin)

    • Tadaokahigashi1-7-16, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Yagi Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Yagi Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Kato Clinic

    (加藤医院, Katou Iin)

    • Tadashiokatyuu1-11-12, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Internal Medicine, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Katou Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Katou Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Mashima Clinic

    (真島医院, Mashima Iin)

    • Tadaokahigashi1-15-17, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Internal Medicine, Surgery, Gastroenterology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Mashima Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Mashima Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Minoruhitoshikai Hijiriyu Hospital

    (穂仁会聖祐病院, Hojinkaiseiyuu Byouin)

    • Tadashiokakita1-3-7, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Internal Medicine, Surgery, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Orthopedic
    • Medical Corporation
    • Patient reviews about Hojinkaiseiyuu Byouin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Hojinkaiseiyuu Byouin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Mitsuo Board People House Tadaoka Clinic

    (光生会ピープルハウス忠岡診療所, Mitsuokai Piipuruhausu Tadaoka Shinryouzyo)

    • Takatsukikita1-11-3, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Internal Medicine, Surgery, Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department Of Radiology, Orthopedic
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Mitsuokai Piipuruhausu Tadaoka Shinryouzyo [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Mitsuokai Piipuruhausu Tadaoka Shinryouzyo [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Murata Internal Medicine

    (村田内科, Murata Naika)

    • Takatsukikita2-16-34, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Internal Medicine, Department Of Cardiology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Murata Naika [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Murata Naika [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Nakagawa Clinic

    (中川クリニック, Nakagawa Kurinikku)

    • Tadaokahigashi2-22-15-13, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Pediatrics
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Nakagawa Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Nakagawa Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Sakai Eye Clinic

    (さかい眼科クリニック, Sakai Ganka Kurinikku)

    • Tadaokahigashi1-20-23, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Ophthalmology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Sakai Ganka Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Sakai Ganka Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Wide Section Clinic

    (広部クリニック, Hirobe Kurinikku)

    • Tadaokahigashi1-40-28, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Internal Medicine
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Hirobe Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Hirobe Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Yagi Ladies Clinic

    (八木レディースクリニック, Yagi Redjiisu Kurinikku)

    • Tadaokahigashi1-22-39, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Internal Medicine, Obstetrics And Gynecology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Yagi Redjiisu Kurinikku [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Yagi Redjiisu Kurinikku [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]
  • Yasuaki Clinic

    (安明医院, Yasuakira Iin)

    • Tadashiokaminami1-14-3, Sembokuguntadaokatyou, OSAKA
    • Internal Medicine, Department Of Radiology, Gastroenterology
    • Individuals And Others
    • Patient reviews about Yasuakira Iin [  ] | Jobs and Career Opportunities at Yasuakira Iin [  ]
    • [ Web ]  [ Map ]

About This Site

This site is an attempt to help non-Japanese speaker search for Hospital And Dental Clinic in Japan. You can find the location of the hospital, the medical treatment subject, and the management entity. You can also search for job information for doctors and nurses. We hope it could be useful when you live in or visit Japan.

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Showing 10 of 8,993 results found for 'Hospital and OSAKA'.